December 27, 2010

Matter Mind

my baseline is basic
dazzling the basis of humanity
and interpreted as mere normalcy to those with depth
those who speak my language
a dialect interpreted as "deep"
by he who swims in shallow water
placing glitter around every word spoken
as if they're gold
truly amused by the simple two step they do across a page
distracted from the steps of unspoken meaning
dancing in between the lines
the steps to step to
complex substance
mixing of interrelational compounds
substance that matters
eons of ionic bonds
called understanding
cant run thoses bases
you get nothing but the basics
my simplest form
simplicity deciphered complex



before it was so loud
but the rain whispers to me now
the wind playfully purrs in my ear
and the sun bathes me in its smile
even when overcasted by the darkest clouds
this inexplicable essence
this interception on reality
permanent pause
inception's interception
heart touched down
where life exists
breathing its existence through my skin
and under my left breast
creating a beat
like none ive ever danced to
a fluttering rhythm unfamiliar to my finger tips
as they sensually tap
into a world that transcends time
and space
a world that i once thought
only existed in my dreams
i could never reach my heart before


flashbacks backslash
memories i'll never forget
you already forgot
while still i climb
constantly visiting nostalgia's peak
snowed in its dysfunction
lungs suffocating in its altitude
heart catching its cold
and that's okay
im human
permeable to pain
impermeable to closure
it never sinks in
repelled by my natural scent
my skin
a tally board for your failed attempts
and bullshit intentions
marked in red
painting me in the color of error
because you failed
and that's okay
im human
shit happens
you happened
everyday i'll continue
feverishly scrubbing at this scarlet shroud
your broken promises perspiring from my brow
dripping down my face
stinging my eyes in constant reminder
that i still cant see
until my vision is no longer distorted
no longer
by this hue of you