March 28, 2011

Think Smart

let these words
speak life to my thoughts deaded in
speech impediment
im not crazy
the voices in my head
but they have every right to be
locked in involuntary confinement
because im too afraid to let them free
afraid they won't come back to me
they're all i have to keep me
trusty companion to my feelings
protecting them from
'cause i can't introduce them to my heart just yet
it's unfamiliar territory i trained myself to fight against
built immunity to what keeps me alive
with my mind
the only strength fearless enough to fight its own life
man, it was easy being dead on the inside
nothing could grow so nothing could die
therefore to survive i
took on my fears in the form of impersonation
'cause it's silly to fear the impersonated
abandoned myself
so nobody could abandon me...again
with emotion turned mental
i packed every thought on a train
and shipped them far away
to my brain
with one clear instruction
no one
even if it's me saying im your long lost friend...
no one"
the hell was i thinkin?
providing the one-way track for this train of thought
without an outlet
round and round in my head
running 24/7
with no destination
left to chase its own end
and be
satisfied with the self-proclaimed win
since ive convinced myself
thinking is fun
letting it out
thought carousel alluring my identity captive
with bright ideas
constant movement
never running on E...motion sickness

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