July 25, 2010

Express Train

**inspired by Goldieee and her thought trains :o) ...go visit her blog Golden Touch please & thank you!


He truly spoke life to me this morning
thank God im not what i used to be
i need to do some cleaning
if you're not on the same page as me we cant be friends
my friends are the family i never had
my strength makes me weak
last night was amazing
i love jolly ranchers...the drink & the candy
i miss my mommy more and more everyday :o/
im emotionally bipolarly challenged
i wish i could say "i love you" to my friends without feeling wierd
dont just spring a hug on me...i need warning 1st
i remember the 1st time i learned Colonel was pronounced like "kernel"
my mommy taught me that :o)
i forget to eat sometimes
dont live so much in the moment that u forget to plan for the future
every short cut proves itself to be the long road in the end
please know...i only need you when it's convenient
u were the 1st to make me really consider marriage...& then u made me REconsider it in the same breath
im broken but im also healing
ugh! these scars...
i hate the skin i'm in
im thinking about locking my hair :o)
black is beautiful
i need to add some color into my wardrobe
twitter therapy is very liberating
is there anything "inappropriate" to blog?
labels piss me off
labels have to face forward or else i'll snap on the unorganizational look of it
feet! ahh!!!
im afraid of butterflies
there's a reason for EVERYTHING i do...i never not think 1st
i do a lot of things i dont really want to do & rationalize it in my mind just to get it over with...mind over matter
too much of ANYTHING can be bad for you
i cant wait to turn 21!
love yourself...flaws & all. (easier said than done i know)
everything has and needs a format
i've always envied bamboo
i dont eat pork but i LOVE bacon :^D
"[i] dance my pain away"
freewriting is very releasing
thanks Goldieee...im definitely going to do these more often than not. :o)

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