July 19, 2010

Smoke Screen

although this feeling is incredibe
and our connection is undeniable
what our hearts yearn is so impossible
and we both know this
so we tune out our minds
by turning up the melody of our emotions
so high
so loud
so distracting
that we pay no attention to the world around us
...not even ourselves
so much that
we dont even realize the thermostatic valves of our own hearts

bursting under the pressure
pressure passionately rising
because our feelings are too intense to contain
too strong to fight
too boisterous to ignore
so overpowering that
regardless of any extenuating circumstance

we always end up in the same place
staring in the same face of the inevitably impossible
trying to make it our reality
because settling for this love as just a figment of our hopes
is not enough
not enough to satisfy our hearts' longing for each other
so we settle for our secret instead
our enigma still burning ever so brightly
behind these walls we built together

to contain a flame seemingly impossible to tame
let alone extinguish

our fire is truly our desire
and we paradoxically preserve it

the same flame that burnt us so badly

is the same flame we continue to protect and nourish
the same flame that continues to burn US time after time
is the same flame we refuse to let burn OUT instead
because we'd rather sacrificially burn out first
from exerting ourselves
trying to salvage nothing but a disguised demise
just to be able to say it still exists in our eyes
but why?

why are we willing to destroy ourselves
to provide fuel
for the same flame that is ultimately destroying us?

if only walls could talk...
then the walls we built to preserve our once alluring flame
could talk some sense into us

and reveal how ugly this flame has actually become

...cleverly cloaked behind its own smoke

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