July 21, 2010

Bipolar Me.

-------i love food BUT i hate the mechanics of eating-------------------------------------------i'm a relationship type of person BUT i don't like relationships -----------------------------------------------i love being loved BUT i hate loving back -----------------------------------------------i like my sense of compassion BUT i hate being called sensitive -----------------------------------------------i like to cuddle BUT i don't like to be touched -----------------------------------------------i like to speak my mind BUT i dread verbally expressing myself -----------------------------------------------i love being by myself BUT i hate being alone -----------------------------------------------i hate being ignored BUT i'm afraid of attention -----------------------------------------------i love being misunderstood BUT i want people to understand me -----------------------------------------------i love life BUT i never live-----------------------------------------------i like to take things slow BUT i have no patience -----------------------------------------------i love learning BUT i hate to try new things-----------------------------------------------i love myself BUT i hate who I am -----------------------------------------------i like spontaneity BUT i hate not knowing -----------------------------------------------i love having control BUT i hate being controlling -------------------------------------------------------i care too much BUT i don't care at all -------------------------------------------------------i love my mind BUT i hate how much it thinks -------------------------------------------------------i love to smile & laugh BUT happiness scares me-------------------------------------------------------i hate losing BUT i'm always at a loss -------------------------------------------------------i love questions BUT i hate being questioned-------------------------------------------------------i love a good argument BUT i don't like arguing -------------------------------------------------------i have a lot to say BUT i'd rather say nothing -------------------------------------------------------i have a lot of emotions BUT i don't like to be emotional -------------------------------------------------------i love relating to someone BUT i don't like to have relations -------------------------------------------------------i want to feel BUT i don't want to catch feelings -------------------------------------------------i want to move on BUT i can't bear to truly forgive

i love the things I hate & hate the things i love
...that's just me.
**written January 26, 2010

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