November 12, 2010

When Darkness Falls

1:43 AM
love me in this mourning
when light has succumbed to the darkness of night
not to be reincarnated til the
resurrecting sun shines light on the fact that you're still here
in the morning
fill my void existence with life
when the city is living in slow motion and productivity is paused
move me with the positive energy of your presence
while earth is at a stand still

don't allow its darkness to consume me

'cause it tends to confuse me with one of its committed inhabitants
when one of devil's advocates conveniently comes out of hiding
every night
as the moon illuminates the digits on the clock
but it isn't my time
so please don't mind my
agonizing anxiety everytime night falls
taunting me with memories
of the dark abyss of abandonment where i found comfort for so long

the years of my youth vacationed there

find comfort in my fear with understanding
so that
in the midst of every night's chastizing chokehold on my dreams
i can find comfort within your resuscitative embrace of life support
manifesting its effervesence as my night light
because i am
of the

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