November 11, 2010


we're all born to play
on defense
which makes perfect sense

even if you don't play the game
it doesn't exempt being played with
no offense...
nobody gets benched
and that’s some bullshit
what if we get tired?
constantly being taught life, love, and relationships
are nothing

but a game
cleverly masked by a politically correct name:
"survival of the fittest"
it's more fitting to call it
"survival of the slickest"
we blatantly bluff compassion

radically renege love

strategy to "outsmart" each other
pre-determining roles on the top of the score sheet
"me" vs. "you"...(aka “the fool”)
tallying 1ups under "me"

man downs under “you
consumed so much in having the upper hand that

we only face our face cards
oblivious to what lies hiding beneath them
...the OTHER joker in the game
the guaranteed fool
blindly betting on the setbacks of everyone else
trying to fool the hand you were originally dealt
with lies of triumph you dealt yourself
never really realizing
we’re really playing ourselves...

claiming all of these wins when it’s not even in the cards

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