January 12, 2011

I Don't Know What To Name This

we're in a snow globe
and the footprints are
about to disappear
tell me
how did we get here
we'll never be able to retrace our steps if
we dont turn back
and that's so unlike me
no sense of direction with
no map
no compass
no plan
shaken up
my mouth wide open
im so stuck
on the glitter falling around me
i can't even process
what's about to fall on my tongue
making me gag my guts to you
ugly presentation
still interpreted beautiful
to you
unconditional understanding
no clue
covered in your substance
i dont even mind being held captive
captivated by all
in the hour of this glass
because we're just that
i dont mind
as long as i know underneath all
your vanishing footprints
were leading my vanishing conscience
at some point
some point
so that faithfully
i can walk their path blind
eyes covered with the blindfold of what you
opened my eyes to

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