April 12, 2011


the root of all evil
false power of all people
human trafficking made legal
souls of men exchanged for
worldly possession
sculpted scraps of metal
pieces of paper home to a face
with no value
greed determining weight
conditions rendering fate
minted by the hands of human tendencies
quick to fold
easy to crumple
future held within the current...see
under pressure its all quite
as fickle as a nickle concealing five thoughts
forever changing
inconsistency investing in material
while consistently draining your spiritual
full account
its worth increased by the addition of zeros
the math is simple
adding six zeros still equals
we're still slaves to white men
working for suffering
only capitalizing materialistics
the logistics
highly sadistic
in love with what breeds hate and
the root of all evil
false power of all people
human trafficking made legal
souls of men exchanged for worldly possession
we're still slaves to white men
leeching on human life
if you get too attached

a simple sentiment...

be you at all times...that way there's never any confusion.

a simple sentiment...

it takes a certain type of person to master the art of accepting opposition & conflicting views...it definitely isn't a feat for everyone.

a simple sentiment...

unless one person physically donates his/her eyes to everyone & has them all simultaneously stand in the same place, point of views will ALWAYS vary...perspective is, in fact, subjective.

April 5, 2011

a simple sentiment...

i give my all within the innate realm of its limits; if my all doesn't match the magnitude of yours, that does not mean it's any less encompassing...you can't use YOUR yardstick to measure MY length when you're using the metric system to measure an inch.

a simple sentiment...

my thoughts race so much that im tired all the time...cant even catch my breath when im sitting still.

a simple sentiment...

i smile way more than my face let's on...

a simple sentiment...

sometimes i don't know if it's my gut trying to forewarn or if it's my paranoia trying to sabotage...either way, it all stems from my heart having no voice. :oX

March 29, 2011

a simple sentiment...

you can keep sleepin' on me if you want, but when you wake up & im gone don't expect me to be present in your dreams...you'll NEVER get to sleep on me again.

March 28, 2011

Think Smart

let these words
speak life to my thoughts deaded in
speech impediment
im not crazy
the voices in my head
but they have every right to be
locked in involuntary confinement
because im too afraid to let them free
afraid they won't come back to me
they're all i have to keep me
trusty companion to my feelings
protecting them from
'cause i can't introduce them to my heart just yet
it's unfamiliar territory i trained myself to fight against
built immunity to what keeps me alive
with my mind
the only strength fearless enough to fight its own life
man, it was easy being dead on the inside
nothing could grow so nothing could die
therefore to survive i
took on my fears in the form of impersonation
'cause it's silly to fear the impersonated
abandoned myself
so nobody could abandon me...again
with emotion turned mental
i packed every thought on a train
and shipped them far away
to my brain
with one clear instruction
no one
even if it's me saying im your long lost friend...
no one"
the hell was i thinkin?
providing the one-way track for this train of thought
without an outlet
round and round in my head
running 24/7
with no destination
left to chase its own end
and be
satisfied with the self-proclaimed win
since ive convinced myself
thinking is fun
letting it out
thought carousel alluring my identity captive
with bright ideas
constant movement
never running on E...motion sickness

March 9, 2011

Access Granted

we need a sunny sky full of stars for this
cause i can sense each kiss

fix a wish on my lips

granting the unimaginable
as i

vocalize you into my reality
boldly whispering my screaming feelings for you
to more than just my pillow

secrets i share in darkness fill this room
as your name

escapes from my dreams
each syllable

bouncing off of my walls as they talk
about you
echoing what i fear to face
to the ceiling above my bed

knowing that my eyes will venture there
the place where
i tend to stop and stare
when i wake up in the morning
and think

of you

February 16, 2011

If You Ask Me, I'm Ready

my enemy
falling from my sleeves
im holding my fears in my hand
far away from my mind
the only fear i want this close
is you
as we build this foundation
of friendship
but i should tell you
in this molding of earth
you're leaving footprints on my chest
impressed on the left

slowly beating the first letter of your name
you're the first to create a path of your own
through my deep forest of dying trees
you always saw the beauty in me
and paved your way right to it
planting seeds in the places where i've
been trampled with B's and S's
tip-toeing over them with the kiss of U
its sweetness
curving the taste of my bitter past
revealing that there is
a fruitful future
ripe with possibility if you just
wait for it

"My Stuff"...A Poem That Doesn't Matter

pay attention to me
the language my body speaks
reveals me powerfully weak
manifested through my strong posture and
my rigid stance
cant you see that?
my verbal cues dont even provide clues huh?
blatant expression
hushed loudly
because how i feel
doesnt matter
im an adult, not a child
yet you still consider me the latter
and projectingly deny any piercing persecution
of your words
because you hid from yourself the truth
and purposely forgot where you put it
while lying
in plain view to me
here it is
right on my spirit
weighing down who i am and
stifling my voice
its silence
struggling to resonate through the oppression of darkness
but you could care less
because what i have to say
doesnt matter
my words penetrate nothing but your middle finger
and what am i supposed to do with that?
i cant say fuck you back
so i choke those words with captured cries instead
killing two birds with one stone
'cause God forbid i ever let tears fall from eyes
you'll only wipe them dry
with patronizing tissue
hallmarked with your favorite words:
"let it go...that's your stuff"
never allowing me to acknowledge my feelings
because you dont accept them
they're invalid
foreign in your state
of mind
not authorized to be bartered with compromise
since your availablilty of understanding is insufficient
and this
is why
is why im built so tough
a learned defense against my grandmother's "stuff"
and on top of that
she didn't hug me that much
nor uttered the words "i love you" enough
those words
only exchanged on special occasions
conditioned unfamiliar to the articulation of my tounge
uncomfortable to even whisper
because emotions
have never been a valid response
their existence
along with all of
"my stuff"
all of
because who i am
never mattered

January 26, 2011

Mr. America

that's how it was
i'd be useful for a season then you'd
somehow find a reason
to commit terrorist treason
against this united state of mind you
plead for us to be in
monopolizing my mind and
capitalizing the limited capacity of my heart
corrupting the only ally to my sanity
you raped me
of all logic
with your practical promises of
"a better tomorrow"
and my loyalty trusted you
pledged allegiance to
even the red flags
a blind partisan
governed by fear of sight
i loved my king dumb
in any condition
always ready to rebuild
from scratch
after the nature of ANY storm
but then
the rain began to come too often
and the fixed foundation began to soften
because i only had mud to mold monuments
as i stood strong

for them
by myself
i became numb
even when basking in

the sun after the final quake
until one day
washed up
concealed under the lines you used to draft me
a piece you hid from me for so long
was revealed to me by the harsh reality of our current
finally within my reach
i skipped straight to the fineprint
and behold
therein lied the statement
"land of the tease, home of the slave"
in your handwriting

...i had to go.

January 21, 2011

Ink Blot

most perception is deception
well then
i hope you perceive me in the wrong
so you can see me in the right
observe me in the dark
so you can find me in the night
and appreciate my light
because i just found it
and i want to share this
with you
illuminate the path to me
instead of testing your fear with darkness
my opposite attracting you
so the truth can't distract you
you'll be amazed at its beauty
its innocence
its purity
and its
worth the wait
time only pressing my impression
on you
with every word i write on this paper
by you
by these spirals that hold my thoughts together
the only backbone supporting my standstill
on these pages
their deception impeccably true
fallacy only living in my masquerade
yielding a mask of fortitude
never was my strong suit
despite its strengthening virtue
it thrills me weak
anticipation crippling me to walk more upright
thoughts racing at a
tongue tying tempo
pep in my step
interpreted as a newfound connection with my heartbeat

most perception is deception

January 20, 2011


i know i'm not ready but
i need what i'm not ready
to thrive
come alive and
in space
space other than that consisting of darkness
nightfall is no longer my friend
it betrayed me
stabbed me in the back
and exposed the secrets i hid within its sea of black
all the while
throwing shade
keeping me confined to its mystery
my existence seemingly hiding within it
when its density
was actually hiding in me
providing the fuel for my darkest dreams
shrinking in fear that someone would shine light
on the truth
life exists outside of this abyss
a better soul mate than this
dwelling in my skin


miss peppermint
the name of the cane
hooking you with my curve as i sooth your nerves
flogging my swirl around your world
a breath of fresh air
providing relief from the stench of redundancy so repugnant
i am
in its most sugar-coated form
providing internal peace
with every piece of me
taste my aroma
it’s potency
dependent upon how well you
tongue me
take me
i can open your mind with my scents
and pore your insides with the harshness of my haze
but don’t be deterred by my extra strength
nourish your weakness with it
calm your intuition
fulfill your gut feelin’
digest it
it’s hungry
and i’m
good for you

January 19, 2011

Pillow Talk

i just want to sleep with you
and reap the seeds i sow in these sheets
with you
intrude my reality with your dreams
so that i
can make belief
with you
to you
submerged in the black of night
with you
your presence
the only light for my misguided soul
take control
i relinquish all rights to this title i tote
i yearn for a new one
one that directly connects us
back to this bed
where we speak in our sleep
our hearts off beat
yet in tune
with each others
i've never rested
my head on a heart with a beat that matches mine
irregularly regular
quantifying our time
time sprung back
falling forward
tripping over its history
and fantasy of future
on edge with every tick of time
because it signifies our full circle
around possibility
the possibility my subconscience whispers to your pillow
as i lie in your presence
in hopes that in my absence
when you
lie your head to sleep
my secrets seep from its hiding place
and kiss your eardrums
pecking the seeds we've sewn in these sheets
in the front of your mental
whispers so gentle
"remember me...long time"
feel me
on your mind
hear me
with your heart
so that i can be
your dream when you're awake
and your reality
when you sleep

A Night At The Museum

im in a place i’ve never been
but i know exactly where i am
the sky
grounding me
in so much concrete that i can’t move
and i haven’t
for years
same cinder block sealing my sanity
within my toes
the souls of them all
touching earth with cold feet
refusing to diffuse their identity
with the life living right in front of me
so close my fingers can taste the touch
but still out of reach
because ive grown to be moved by stagnation
thriving within myself
feeding on the possibility of
possibly partaking in impossible love
where its paradox
is as common as a pair of socks
for my
frigid stance
here i stand
knowing exactly where i am
in a place i’ve never seen before
because for once
a sightseer was kind enough
to confront my statuesque existence
and gently
place rose colored glasses over its eyes
so i can look better
while i stand here
building up the courage to finally take a step
in my own time

January 12, 2011

Hot Tea

this cup is infected
and i backed up just in time
before it confronted mine insides and
filled my fantasy with fever
peaking my thermostat with decapitating delirium
sensory overload
ive always been
so cold
unmoved by temperature 

even if i touched your earth's core
i can give nothing more
so i take all of yours
and confront your fire of desire
bare naked 

under your skin
skin thicker than the nerves of mine
yet thinner within

in defense
i fashion flesh from the inside out
please don’t get caught up on its appearance
you'll get burned
with the bravery it takes to see me for who i really am
under this wardrobe i stitched 

from the mere ideas that thread my needle
weaving in and out of experiences

because im afraid to feel them for myself
experiences as fragile as what’s left of me
the bones of my stripped skeleton
hidden in my closet
at the bottom of this cup

I Don't Know What To Name This

we're in a snow globe
and the footprints are
about to disappear
tell me
how did we get here
we'll never be able to retrace our steps if
we dont turn back
and that's so unlike me
no sense of direction with
no map
no compass
no plan
shaken up
my mouth wide open
im so stuck
on the glitter falling around me
i can't even process
what's about to fall on my tongue
making me gag my guts to you
ugly presentation
still interpreted beautiful
to you
unconditional understanding
no clue
covered in your substance
i dont even mind being held captive
captivated by all
in the hour of this glass
because we're just that
i dont mind
as long as i know underneath all
your vanishing footprints
were leading my vanishing conscience
at some point
some point
so that faithfully
i can walk their path blind
eyes covered with the blindfold of what you
opened my eyes to

January 11, 2011


"pardon my poetry"
its truth speaking clearly the syllables my congested heart
the pulse of weighted words
tongue tripping over the manifestation
of consonants and vowels my mouth isnt ready to sound out
'cause these lips arent ready to taste them
they quiver in fear that someone will hear
their whisper
and so i write
pen packing passion
inking my fears
i feel like you've known this
all along
me and you
afraid of reciprocity
while you
afraid i'll never flip the reciprocal
so we leave it
at the lowest common denominator
the negative in i
obstructing my view of the positive
in you
the root...
im simply a square
afraid to round the defense of my sharp edges to
accomodate the paces of your patience
that tread the thin line of my unstable perimeter
showing your work
as you passively plot your next move
to decipher each rubix cube clue
and reveal each side
of my true colors
as a whole
i feel like you've known this all along
and that scares me


secretly wish we
could have
it all
and embody the reflection of potential i saw
each time you would admiringly
stand behind me, and smile
as i gazed in the mirror
getting ready for a world which peers with scrutiny
the only time i had the chance to possess the eyes of the beholder
and be held
oh, how perfect we
extrospective vantage point
potentiality staring back at us
mirroring what our love
could be
but ultimately
would be
taunting our reality
with an image that only existed in that moment
that mirror
such a tease, that mirror
and now
it plagues me
with black tongue ridicule
it plays me
infected silhouette
exposing the empty space over my cold shoulder
where you
used to reverently rest your head
each time you would admiringly
stand behind me, and smile
as i gazed in the mirror
getting ready for a world which peers with scrutiny
a simple moment
vividly etched in my mind
captured in color by my
fawning photographic nostalgia



black hole
pierced soul
punctured lobes
eluded emotions
synapse with my notions
so i can remember
how to feel
because i
so cold
i fold
midnight heist
kidnapped lights
my voice
my vice
thinking twice
who am i
am i
selective amnesia
forget me not
set free
these muted memories
so i can remember
who i am
because i

January 4, 2011

a simple sentiment...

don't wait or wish for "the one"...just keep moving forward along your own single path & surely, at some point, you'll gaze across & see someone treading a path perfectly paralleling yours.

::the one::