October 25, 2010

Truth Is Pt. 2

despite your unrequited patience
your translation of frustration
into desecrating degradation
has no probable explanation
you just dont trust us
and that's blatant
but remember
i dont trust us either
part of our never-ending cypher
never to be deciphered
since this is bigger than just us now
bigger than how much we disagree
and argue over petty pet peeves
it's about what I have to grieve
over what cant be conceived
since you selfishly make it clear
there's an "I" in our two person team
and no way to turn first letter in"me"
upside down to make it translate into"we"
'cause alone I have to deal with it
and it's ME that has to feel this shit
since clearly there's no U in this
and if this is you taking score
the wrongs i've done before
your current behavior is no reciprocal for
so damn rite i count it as strikes against you
when i think about what you maintained through
and the apologies way long overdue
you make it easy for me not to feel bad for you
i cant care about someone that doesnt care for me too
ALL of the the time

man, fuck this rhyme...

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