October 27, 2010

Face Me

how can you be so heartless?
...half of your heart is beating inside of me
you willingly placed it there
you passionately participated in this inception of life
as our lives intertwined in culmination of Love

how could you forget?

as this internal tomb strives
totally dependent on me to survive
where are you?
you mean Love HAS to die?
to spare YOUR convience?
how convenient.
did you pick out the color of the casket already?
what shall we engrave on this stone we're casting...
"gone AND forgotten"?
'cause clearly you premeditated this murder

you never wanted Love to live
even if there weren't wordly worries to deter us

there's no love lost for you
no tears shed
no heartache
no protest
although you wanted me to believe different
which i did
misinterpreting your sighs of relief with sighs of grief
but now i know better

and i can't believe you

you'll never know what it's like to be in my position
from the very moment i unearthed this
but really?
Love isn't worth it
to you?
i breathe this
while you abondon Love
like every man of my past
is this all life has
for me?
constantly chasing the back of people's heads
backs turned to reality
feet moving too quickly for me to keep up

i don't aspire to be a track star
i lose everytime

i don't want to run
i don't want to chase
i just want to see your face
facing mine
for once
since i'll never get the chance
to face Love

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