October 26, 2010

Puzzle Peace

go ahead
attempt to swim laps in the depths of my mind
like everyone else
i guarantee you'll get tired
the consequence for attempting to dive in my head first
but i won't leave you hanging once you exhaust from getting lost
within my mind's dark labyrinth of complexity
quench your thirst with my creative juices
and take a warm bath in my heart sourrounded by walls covered with red velvet
but pardon its black tinge of deprivation
it's still recovering from injury
take a leisurely ride through my veins
and allow their gentle flow to silently narrate your exploration
through every part of me
but don't be fooled by the mislabeled arrows pointing you in the direction of "fun"
those are my high velocity arteries
and their appearance is deceiving
trust me
that's no water slide
you won't be able to breath
choking on my intricasies
because no nourishment to feed your lungs exists there
so stay clear
and take the slow route
'cause you don't want to speed on my roadways of love
some areas are icy
and the only way to successfully navigate them is by paying attention
watch for flashing lights when school's in session
u can gain insight through my pupils
the only place where light exists enough to reflect what's really on my mind
it's just up to you to invert the mirror image in order to get to my good side
you must be patient to ride this ride
and find joy in taking your time
understand that the little things are the ticket
redeemable for a seemingly worthless prize
a puzzle box
THE puzzle box
that captures the beautiful picture of my otherwise
distorted reality
for you
to use as a schematic when trying to piece me together
to represent the snapshot of my potential
captured on that empty puzzle box

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