October 24, 2010

Truth Is

most people try to form a brigade of persuasion
to insidiously destroy this foundation i created
in protection of my inner most vulnerabilities
but you
you innocently stripped me
penetrated these impenetrable walls
exposing all of my flaws
then gently loved every one of them
you coddled my insecurites and spooned with my pride
tasted my bitterness then harmonized it with sweet kisses
and swept me off my feet whenever i was at my weakest
but most of all you accepted me for my uniqueness
impregnating me with love
but all of the above
i can never speak of
because i've already spoken so much
against you
never truly portraying all of the good you did do
thinking you owed me "in return" for me

loving you 

i wasnt ready

afraid to be loved
in fear of not being loved back
or not knowing how to reciprocate with what i've never had
i premeditated our end before we started
trying to force you to part ways with feelings yet departed
i killed you
helped create this monster you've imparted
what a mess
all of the innocence you did have left
is now lost in the shadows of our untimely death
never to be resuscitated
and i hate it
because truth is
my misery sucked the soul out of you
in its selfish need of company

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